Have you been losing weight for a long time, but the process is slow? This means that we need to help the body to move forward, to drive the metabolism. How to do it? There are many easy ways to speed up your weight loss.
What will help speed up the weight loss process?
So, the weight loss will be faster if the portion is reduced. You have to choose a small plate and put the food there. And you need to eat more often, so that hunger does not torment.
An easy way to boost your metabolism is to drink a glass of water before meals. It will improve the function of the digestive organs, relieve constipation and, of course, speed up metabolism. Lemon juice can be added to the water. You don’t have to drink a glass of water right away, you can start with half a glass. The main thing is to develop the habit of drinking before meals.
This will help speed up weight loss and a proper dinner. You need to choose protein and fiber that are easy to digest. That is, dishes from eggs, fish, cottage cheese and vegetables are suitable. But the meat is not worth eating in the evening.
Sometimes sleep can help. If you don’t get enough sleep on a regular basis, weight loss is unlikely to be discussed. Therefore, you need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. Moreover, the dream should be calm and quiet, which means that at night you need to take a walk, ventilate the bedroom, excluding all that can cause joy before bedtime.
An easy way to lose weight faster is to eat only healthy foods. If you eat lean meat and fish, lots of fruits and vegetables, dairy products and at the same time give up muffins and sweets, foods with additives and unhealthy fast foods, then weight loss will be morefast. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze your diet. Maybe you eat all day, and at night you experience hunger and overeating? Or do you think main meals should be healthy, and you can enjoy snacks on bread?
Vegetables that must be included in the diet

Certain vegetables help a lot in the process of losing weight. There are fruits that remove excess water from the body, speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines, and help break down fat faster. In addition, all vegetables are low in calories, even a large number of vegetables can not cause excess weight. And at the same time, fiber, contained in fruits, is very saturated, so that the feeling of hunger after eating vegetables will not torment.
Therefore, it is very important to include vegetables in the diet, which helps to lose weight faster. Some of them should be eaten raw, and some can be boiled, stewed, baked.
All vegetables are healthy, but there are a few that you should include in your daily menu. Here are the most useful:
- celery - both roots and stems;
- cucumber;
- zucchini;
- pumpkin;
- Lada bel;
- any kind of cabbage;
- bit;
- tomato;
- onions and garlic;
- black peas.
All these vegetables not only contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, but cleanse the intestines, improve metabolic processes, eliminate excessive appetite and cravings for sweets, and edema.
Keep in mind that salads from these vegetables should be seasoned only with a healthy sauce. Mayonnaise, sour cream, and other high -calorie sauces will not work. Lemon juice, vegetable oil, grape vinegar are the best seasonings for vegetables. This is very important to lose weight. After all, extra pounds can be formed due to the use of fatty sauces.
So, an easy way to speed up weight loss is to eat healthy vegetables on a regular basis.
Exercise to lose weight fast.

Another good way to lose extra pounds is by increasing your physical activity. Exercise helps burn calories faster, increase metabolism, and strengthen muscles.
Keep in mind that even if you train 2-3 times a week at the gym or visit the pool, this is not enough.
First, it needs to make the overall lifestyle more mobile. That is, move as often and as much as possible. Walk home on foot, or at least through a few stops, climb stairs and push elevators, play outdoor games with the kids, do a short morning workout.
Second, you need to change your physical activity on a regular basis. Over time, the body adapts to certain training programs, and such physical activity will become less effective. Therefore, replacement training needs to be done. For example, spend 20 minutes on a stationary bike, and then do water aerobics for half an hour. Moreover, there is no need to do different exercises every day. You can do this after training for a few weeks.
Third, it is recommended to do short exercises during the day. For example, sucking on the stomach or tightening the back muscles. This is an uninteresting exercise, so you can do it at work, in transportation, while walking. It looks like light physical activity, but the effects will exceed all expectations.
And another very interesting thing: after intense physical activity, appetite decreases. That is, after exercise will be enough omelet and salad or a glass of yogurt with cinnamon.
A little trick
Small tricks will help speed up the process of losing weight. Don't forget them.
Here are the most useful:
- add spices to the plate - cinnamon, ginger, hot pepper help break down fat faster;
- reduces salt intake - retains water in the body and contributes to the formation of edema;
- use dried fruits and berries instead of sugar;
- do not eat while on the go, and eat food slowly - so that the amount of food eaten will be reduced;
- arrange a fasting day once a week - it is better to choose your favorite foods;
- meat and fish are always eaten with herbs - it contributes to better digestion of food;
- reduce appetite with aromatic oils, healthy spices (vanilla, cinnamon, anise);
- drink healthy drinks more often - green tea, rosehip infusion, decoction of spruce needles (it helps speed up metabolism).
Losing weight is a complicated process and sometimes the results are not immediately visible. In this case, do not give up, it is better to remember the simple ways that will help lose weight faster. They must be introduced gradually into your life, and then the process of shedding the extra pounds will run quickly.